E.g., With the following sample input InsertU 10001 Jim InsertU 10002 Jack Find UserByName im END We have the following output 10001 Jim With the following sample input InsertU 10001 Jim InsertU 10002 Jack FindUserByName) END We have the following output 1002 Jack With the following sample input InsertU 10001 Jim InsertU 10002 Jack FindUserByNamez END We have the following outputĭescription END We have the following output 1002 Jack With the following sample input Insertu 10001 Jim Insertu 10002 Jack Find UserByNamez END We have the following output | No such user PNL No such user if there is no user found. Print "No such user"ĭescription username as a substring of the name of the user. The following example prints "Jack" InsertU 10001 Jim InsertU 10002 Jack FindUserByID 10002 END The following example prints "No such user" InsertU 10001 Jim InsertU 10002 Jack FindUserByID 10003 END FindUserByName userName: Print the ID and name of the user with userName as a substring of the name of the user. Print "No such user" if there is no such user. InsertU 10001 Jim InsertU 10002 Jack InsertL 10001 111 InsertL 10002 232 InsertL 10001 212 InsertL 10002 453 InsertL 10001 254 END Find UserByID userid: Print the name of the user with ID equals to userid. You can assume that the time of the command is always in non-descending order. The following commands will insert two users into the system, and record 3 GPS instances for Jim, 2 for Jack. You can assume that userid always exists (there must be Insertu command issued for that user) The following commands will insert two users into the system, and record 3

Note that, x and y are float values, and t is a non-negative integer. The GPS location of a user at a specific time instance t is represented by a tuple x, y, t, where x and y denote the longitude and latitude of the location, and t is the time instance respectively.

Endview gps manual#
Now select the type of GPS field manual (user taps a pin) or automatic (captured on every scan): Select GPS field type To do this, right click and select Add column: Add a column to an Orca Scan sheet on the web To get started, you’ll need to add a GPS location column to your sheet. Orca maps makes it easy to visualise the location of all your assets and inventory in real-time, including an entire audit trail of its journey.
Endview gps how to#
How to create asset maps on Orca Scan On this page