
Necesse est senatoribus consilia suscepisse
Necesse est senatoribus consilia suscepisse

necesse est senatoribus consilia suscepisse
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ffor this is the same Lake with that into which the Devil & all the damned are cast at the universall judgment ch 20.10, 14. chap 7Īnd to the same sense it is that the Beast & fals Prophet are at this time according to Saint Iohn cast into the Lake of fire chap 19. I beheld even till the Beast was slain & his body destroyed & given to the burning flame. I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake. I beheld till the thrones were cast down & the ancient of days did sit – his throne was like the fiery flames – & ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, & the books were opened. But the destruction of this horn Daniel describes to be at the day of judgment in these words. Wherefore since the fals Prophet is the same with the Man of Sin the world must end when he is destroyed & this is at the beginning of the 7 th Trumpet.ĩ We have shown the little horn in Daniel to be the same with the two hornd beast or fals Prophet & consequently to be destroyed at the beginning of the seventh Trumpet. Saint Paul tells us that the Lord shall consume the man of Sin by the spirit of his mouth & destroy him by the brightness of his coming 2 Thes. viz: the time of their reward being come that they should enter into God's rest.

necesse est senatoribus consilia suscepisse

The Parable is sufficiently perspicuous, & yet if you desire the interpretation you have that also in the preface to it, which runs thus: Blessed are the dead which dy in the Lord from henceforth &c. First it is said that the harvest of the earth is ripe & one like the son of man thrust in his sickle & the earth was reaped, & then another Angel thrust in his sickle into the earth & gathered the Vine of the Earth & cast it into the wine press of the wrath of God &c. 2 at the sounding of this Trumpet it is said that the Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord & of his Christ & he shall reign for ever & ever: & this cannot well be applied to any christian Kingdom which hath been hitherto or is like to be before the end of the world because they neither shall last for ever & ever nor have been or are like to be so much the Kingdom of Christ as they were in the Apostles times: unless we will take measure rather by the external pomp then integrity of worship For the purity of religion (according to what the Apostles prophesied of the latter times) hath ever since decreased, & is ħ In the end of the 14 th chapter (which in Prop 12.7, I shewed to end at the very beginning of the seventh Trumpet) you have the end of the world at large described by a harvest & Vintage.

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Download THEM00182.xml and schema (advanced users only).Catalogue exported to teiHeader by Michael Hawkins.Minor coding errors corrected by John Young.Updated to Newton V3.0 (TEI P5 Schema) by Michael Hawkins.Metadata revised, coding re-reviewed, and Greek and Hebrew text upgraded by John Young.

#Necesse est senatoribus consilia suscepisse code#

Code audited and updated to Newton v2.0 DTD by Michael Hawkins.Checked against microfilm by John Young.Catalogue information compiled by Rob Iliffe, Peter Spargo & John Young.Switching to the diplomatic view of this text will show 1904 deletions, reveal 1399 additions and not apply 7090 editorial regularizations. Additions are silently included within the body text and deleted text is not displayed. Editorial interventions are applied to expand abbreviations and correct textual mistakes. Normalized transcriptions provide a tidied-up view of the original text. You are currently reading the normalized version of this text.1.4, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel Untitled Treatise on Revelation (section 1.4)

Necesse est senatoribus consilia suscepisse